Speedriding lessons




Ataka school

The school is part of the FFVL (French free flying federation)

Running for 20 years, the school can welcome up to 20 students per week taught by two instructors per 10 students.

Ataka has access to two “School Slopes” dedicated to speedriding!

There are several take-offs for 600 to 1000 vertical meter runs which allows for a fast progression due to the variety of terrain. 


Valfrejus is the best place for quick rotations in the Alps !



Our lessons

Our modules aim to certify students with an initial pilot licence, followed by the pilot licence and finally the confirmed pilot licence.

Our lessons are organised in two ways:

-2 or 3 weekends in a row, from Saturday morning 9am to Sunday evening after video debriefing. 

-5 full days. From Saturday to Wednesday non stop.

Thursday and Friday are used as extra days to improve or in case of bad weather.


 The lessons are organized in 3 different levels:

Level 1: beginner. The goal is to give the student knowledge and autonomy on a known site to obtain the initial pilot licence. 

Level 2: the goal is to give the student confidence, technical intelligence and the needed skills to ride on any mountain sites.

Level 3: the goal is to give the student the skills and confidence to ride in high alpine terrain and in the back country.

The lessons run from the opening of the resort to the closing, for an average of 6 hours per day.

Take note: the lunch brake is usually spent all together at a restaurant or there is the option to eat your pack lunch at the school.

Price: same as courses


 Video option

Show your friends what is possible under a canopy, skis on… Bring home a quality, timeless and sharable souvenir! 

For more information…




Ataka has the best alpine spirit

The ATAKA instructors are all certified paragliding teachers and speedriding qualified by the French free flight federation

The main advantage of the Valfrejus area: once you are certified, you will never ride alone!

Many tutors (very good riders) will always be there to help you read the conditions and choose your runs. In Valfrejus, speedriding is a team sport.

You will never end up lost or alone on your spot. The whole orange crew is here to help and share for free! We offer adapted gear to any one’s style and level.

The world’s best riders have been trained in Valfrejus! (Redbull USA, Skydive Dubaï, the soul flyers, Aria, Babylon free fly…)