Forerunner of everything, skydiving, hang-gliding, base jumping, speedriding
Maitre Yoda, 88 years old, still practising!
Dr HouseX
For hopeless cases, it doesn't matter what the means are, only the result.
Has saved thousands of patients from themselves.
Author of the Bible, great pope of theory.
Secret agent with no secrets, triple agent of the Mossad, specialising in computer hacking, too close to Vladimir Putin's niece to be honest.
Vladimir Putin's niece, if you disagree with her, she'll chop you up with an axe, finish you off with a chainsaw and dissolve you in acid.
Grandson of Louis XIV and Arpagon, he is training to become world champion of the over-70s.
Buys any fluid in any condition, owns 200 fluids, intends to buy all the fluids in the world.
French champion airline pilot, beat the easyjet champions, the Americans, the New Zealanders, was voted best pilot in the world, but no flight plan.
European paramotor champion
Continued to study speedriding but was unable to catch up with his sons.
MATRIX is one of the greatest pilots in the world, his talent is immense, and his kindness, his intelligence, his humility and his altruism make him the “Fare” example of Valfrejus…
When she speaks we listen; when she flies, we watch! She is and will remain one of the 3 best women in the world! What else!
Happy man living his dream everyday! Smile all the time because he loves life, he loves people! Personal monitor of MATRIX and TSARINIX
The results speak for themselves!
Patches up badly made kitchens and old factories here and there; moreover a man very devoted to his neighbor and his family! Come to Valfréjus to cure his depression like many!